Dilemma: Artificial Intelligence generated would you rather questions.
-Just type in any category and the cutting edge AI will work its magic and come up with a would you rather question based on what you typed. Usually, the AI can come up with hard questions but sometimes it messes up. Over time Dilemma will get better and better as long as you remember to press the like button. Pressing the like button lets Dilemma know what questions are good. These liked questions will be used to train the AI further and be reused after a certain period of time.
If you have any feature requests please email: support@truesynapse.com
Road map:
-Make it so users can vote on would you rather questions.
-Add a multiplayer mode.
-Decrease ads as much as possible.
About ads:
Running AI models capable of doing what Dilemma does is incredibly expensive so unfortunately, we have to have ads. As more people use the game these *should* get less.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -Arthur C. Clarke
Our goal is to make technology that is indistinguishable from magic.